“I first wanted to start out by saying thank you for putting together the Walk. My family has not always been supportive of my decision to place my son for adoption. I knew no one else that placed a baby and I felt so alone sometimes. I heard about the Adoption Walk and I was instantly hooked. I wanted to do it. I asked my birth son’s adoptive parents if they wanted to join me, my husband, and the two kids I parent. They were excited as well and said yes!

When I arrived at the walk I was nervous but my nerves were quickly put at ease. Everyone there was so nice. I met other people involved in adoption. There were adoptive parents telling me how brave I was and I met other birth mothers. My husband met another birth father as well which he never thought he would do. It was so awesome seeing all the different people from adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, and hopeful adoptive parents. I never felt so much love in one place especially concerning my choice to place my son. I would totally return next year for the Walk because we had such an amazing time!!”   – Vanessa M., Birth Mother


“The Walk For Adoption was such an uplifting day! I was thrilled to meet so many adoptive families and professionals as this was my first time participating.” – Rebecca Gruenspan, RG Adoption Consulting


“My favorite thing about the Walk for Adoption this year was not only being with my family, but seeing how many people came to the walk not only this year but every year. It is something that we look forward to every year and it is something that we don’t miss. The Love and attention to detail that the coordinators take to make sure that everything is perfect is awesome.” – Traci Sopoci, Adoptive Mother


“At the most recent Walk For Adoption Chicago, my daughter asked me “Daddy, are all these people adopted?” I explained that a lot them were adopted. Her eyes lit up. “Just like us!” she said, and motioned to her and her younger brother. That made me smile.

We feel that it’s important to show our kids the amazing side of adoption and for them (and us) to be able to interact with everyone connected to adoption – other adoptees, birth/first-parents, and adoptive parents and their relatives. That’s why we at The Adoption Lantern exhibit each year and why I bring my whole family. Also, our kids love the bouncy house.” Mike Lepley, Executive Director of The Adoption Lantern, Adoptive Parent


“It was my first time at the walk, and I attended both as a sponsor and as an adoptive parent.  I was pleased to be part of an event that brings the adoption community together in an empowering way.  I applaud you and the other founders of this event who created a way for families in Chicagoland to celebrate adoption.

The first thing I thought of when I was at the event was, “How can we get more people here? They would love this!”

. . .Your mission is so important to the local adoption community and I hope your walk continues to grow. Thank you for the hard work you put into this year’s event and I look forward to next year!”  – Kristina Knapp, Community Outreach & Educational Specialist Holt-Sunny Ridge Children’s Services


“This is my second year partaking in the walk.  The first year, I volunteered.  This year, I decided to be an exhibitor and inform other organizations, individuals and families about my group, GIFT (Growing Intentional Families Together).  Although I loved volunteering, I was glad I chose this year to be an exhibitor.  Not only did I meet many of the adopted families, but I also had the opportunity to get to know the other exhibitors and what they do in the adoption field.  For many reasons, adoption has always warmed my heart, and even though my children are grown, my heart continually expands with each and every person I meet, who has been touched by adoption.  There is a loving awareness that glows from all those that commit to adoption, and it was especially evident throughout this walk.  Each and every person there was about family, which is the bare-bone structure we need to build upon for a better world.  I am glad to have had the opportunity to exhibit and I hope to continue be an active participant in this celebratory event.” – Joann DiStefano, GIFT Family Services

